Thursday, February 21, 2013

"See you later!"

Thomas is getting much better at speaking sentences.  He now initiates & says "bye (name). See you later!" to his classmates at dismissal.

He's also getting somewhat gentler at handling John.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

3 year anniversary -- T's bites -- J smile

Dan & I celebrated our 3rd year anniversary by a family lunch in the club and then a dinner date at Aubergine & dessert at ... PINKBERRY!  Already (or only) 3 years and still feels like honeymoon stage plus 2 kids.  haha!

Our poor little Thomas woke up with bites on his eye. :(  Not sure what bit him.  Sigh.

On the other hand, baby John showed his first smile today :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Trekked to Rockwell to see the Grufallo presented by London West End.  Very cute play with great representation of the animals in the forest.  Thomas was entertained the entire time. :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

T at art class

Thomas had his 1st hand at art by finger painting & watercoloring.  He was very well behaved and seemed to enjoy it a lot.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy V day

Thomas made mama & papa a valentine's card on a stick (which was dilapidated by the time we got home from school).  He also practiced changing diapers on John's sleeping sheep.

I also accidentally caught Dan buying me roses in Town.  He was so embarrassed, it was the cutest & sweetest thing I've seen. =..)

We had a nice dinner with Lolo, Lola, Chris & kids, Len & Alex.  Always so nice to spend time with the family.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fun farm -- Ash Wednesday

Dan & Thomas went to the Sta Elena Fun Farm.  Thomas rode the horse 2x, fed the chickens & rabbits, rode the carabao cart & climbed all the way to the top on the playground.  His teachers said he was the most adventurous climbing ... surprising coz he's the youngest in class. :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Standing baby J

Baby John has such strong legs - he's been standing on his legs since before he turned 1 month old!

Check-in, check-up & a V day date

Dan & I had our 1st chat with Teacher Bel about how Thomas is doing in Bambino.  Highlights are that: (1) his vocabulary is very good & he can identify animals & sounds, even bulldozers!, (2) has very good concentration/focus for his work and doesn't leave until it is done, (3) is very independent & likes to try doing things by himself, (4) he shares food with his classmates during snacktime and also learned how to say "May I have?" from Zoey who he likes to get snacks from, (5) he knows how to follow directions like line up & march, (6) he knows how to defend himself in case any of his classmates attempts to bully him.  He does, however, have to learn how to share and play better with his classmates - he butts heads with Chummy who constantly tries to prove that he is the bigger boy ;)  He also can improve his fine motor skills through more arts & crafts.  Thomas loves music & animals and engages well in class especially when those are the topics. :)

John had his 1st month pediatrician check-up and all is well!  Height is still 25th percentile while weight has gone up to 50th percentile.  Eyes look blueish grey and milestones to watch out for are smiling, giggling and cooing (next month).

Dan & I had our 1st date without both boys!!!  We went on our Valentine's date in Mona Lisa and enjoyed their delicious panizza, soup, Fra Diavolo & Tiramisu :9  Thanks to Lola & we were able to enjoy Mona Lisa tonight for Valentine's. ;)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Box arrives!

Finally the 3rd box arrives from Marie with all the goodies & Christmas gifts.  Thomas couldn't wait to open up his new duplo and read over & over his new books.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Thomas has figured out the strategy for Memory - click the cards in order and then go back to the ones you see the match.  If he doesn't remember his past cards anymore, he goes back again until he can find a match.

He also is getting much better at doing jigsaw puzzles.  Plus has better control of his fingers when dragging/dropping the pieces when using the iphone for the puzzle.  So amazing!

Papa Dan played at the San Agustin cup today and scored the opposite of the last time he played. Uh oh!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Jumping Tom

Thomas started jumping this week!  He's figured out how to land on his 2 feet again. :) We went to the Fort and he jumped into the fountains all night.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dan's device is here!

Dan ordered a device for his pilot and it finally arrived! Woot woot :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Nap time with my boys

Thomas was so thrilled to wake up with John beside him. :.)
Yes, I look horrible but the boys were too cute to not appreciate this picture.  Cutie pies!

Nap time with my boys